
2020-05-18 1784

1.特性 Features


Series part size , Fit to Hybrid IC ,Printed circuits for Surface  mount use


High Q ,,Low ESR ,High Reliability


Low dielectric loss ,High stable capacitance variation , Work Frequency up to 3 GHz


Used in applications of High Frequency , VHF microwave band , RF and other amplifier circuits domain

2.主要性能指标  Key Performances

温度系数 TCC : COG:0±0.2%或±0.05pF , 取较大者

电容量漂移:不超过±0.2%或±0.05pF , 取较大者

Capacitance drift : Not more than ±0.2% of the nominal value or ±0.05pF , Whichever is greater ,from the initial value

品质因数(Q值):频率为1MHz时大于5000  Q:More than 5000@ 1MHz

老化特性: Capacitance Aging :NO effect on capacitance aging

绝缘电阻: 20℃下:≥100000MΩ@20℃  IR:≥100000MΩ@20℃

介质耐电压(测度浪涌电流不超过50 mA:2.5UR DWV :2.5UR(less than 50mA surge current)

工作温度:-55-125℃ Working Temp : -55-125℃

3. 产品型号规格 Part Number Code


4.特性曲线  Characteristic Curve